ISIL conducts following
Post Graduate Diploma

International Law and

Human Rights, International
Humanitarian and Refugee Law.

International Trade and
Business Law.

Intellectual Property
Rights Law.

International Environmental Law.

Private International Law.

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Indian Society of International Law
V.K. Krishna Manon Bhawan
9, Bhagwan Dass Road
New Delhi-110001
Tel: +91-11-23384458/59
Email: info@isil-aca.org

ISIL Newsletter
The Teaching wing of the ISIL was founded in 1964 to further the objective of dissemination of knowledge of International Law. It is a matter of pride for the Academy that its post-graduate diploma courses are not only rated highly in India but also through out the world.

The Indian Academy of International Law & Diplomacy offers the following one-year Postgraduate Diploma courses in-
A study of the international legal rules considered binding on states and other international persons in their mutual relations is essential in the contemporary world. International law is founded primarily by state practices and custom. It is also referred to as the law of nations droit des gens. Modern international law is linked to the evolution of the modern territorial state system, which emerged in Western Europe in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Some of its rules, therefore, selectively come under the increasing challenge from the non-western world, where many independent states emerged after World War II. However, it must be stressed that both of these categories of states accept and approve in principle the traditional system of international law. The Post Graduate Diploma Course in International Law and Diplomacy covers all the critical developments, from early 20th century till date, in the field of international law. The course has been revised on several occasions to incorporate the latest developments taking place in the field of international law.

Paper-I. Public International Law-I
Paper-II. Law of International Institutions

Paper-III. Public International Law-II
Paper-IV. International Relations and Diplomacy
Human Rights may be said to be those fundamental rights, which every man or woman in any part of the world should be deemed to be entitled to, by virtue of having been born as a human being. Persistence, vigilance and living actions by the people themselves for the protection of human rights are essential. Indeed, an essential pre-requisite for progressive realization of human rights is popular awareness of and support for universally accepted human rights norms and standards. It is in the hope of spreading human rights awareness that the ISIL has started the Post Graduate Diploma Corse in Human Rights, international Humanitarian and Refugee Laws. ISIL's ten-month Post Graduate course, which was started in the year 1999, runs in collaboration with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and National Human Rights Commission of India (NHRC).

The whole course is conducted over two semesters - August to December and January to April. The said course comprises of three papers. The section on humanitarian law touches upon the development of International Humanitarian Law, Hague Conventions, four Geneva Conventions, 1949 and Additional Protocol I and II, 1977 and their implementation measures. The section on refugee law covers the historical development of refugee law, identification and determination of refugees, 1951 Convention on Refugee and its Protocol of 1967. A few classes will be devoted to the topic - Whether India should sign the 1951 Convention or not. Universal Declaration of Human Rights, UN Convention for the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination, 1965 and UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, 1989 will be discussed under the human rights section. This section also covers the role of the Indian judiciary, NHRC and NGO's in the promotion and protection of human rights in India. Reading materials and other relevant documents provided by the ICRC and the UNHRC are more than sufficient to cover whole syllabus.
Human Rights: Semester I: International Law of Human Rights
  Semester II: Human Rights in India
International Refugee Law: Semester I: Origin, Development, 1951 Convention, Definition of Refugee, Statute and Role of the UNCR, IDPs etc.
  Semester II: The UN Charter, UDHR, International Bill of Rights, CPRDT, CERD, CRC, CEDAW and Indian Acts.
International Humanitarian Law: Semester I: A. Introduction to International Humanitarian Law
    B. Protection of Defenseless
  Semester II: C. Limitation on Means and Methods of Warfare
    D. Law of Non - International Armed Conflicts
Since the decade of the 1980's, liberalization of national economies has become a worldwide phenomenon. This has resulted in an unprecedented growth in the volume of international trade and cross-border economic exchanges. Until recently, international trade was regulated by disparate legal regimes, but with the establishment of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) from 1st January 1995, international trade in all its conceivable dimensions is sought to be regulated by the unified and global legal regime instituted by the WTO. This legal regime requires state parties to conform their national laws and regulations to the prescriptions set by the WTO within the stipulated transitional period. Consequently, a national legal framework relatable to international trade in goods and services, and intellectual property rights is under a process of revision. At the same time, a number of international agencies and conventions, uniform law, model laws, legal guidelines aimed at the eventual unification and harmonization of disparate national laws and practices in the field of international trade. As a result, this area has become so sophisticated and specialized that at times even business executives and their in-house counsels find themselves at their wits' end in coping with the legal complexities raised by international business transactions.

With a view to provide an insight for the corporate executives and their legal counsels into the present legal framework governing international trade transaction and to keep them abreast, with the legal developments taking place in this area, the Society has instituted a post-graduate diploma course in International Trade and Business Law from the academic session from the year 1999.
Paper I. Private Law of International Trade
Paper II. Public Law of International Trade and International Trade Institutions
Paper III. Settlement of Disputes in International Trade
Paper IV. International Economic Institutions
This Course is aimed at imparting comprehensive knowledge regarding Intellectual Property Rights. This Course covers Patents, Copyrights and Trademarks, Designs and Geographical Indications including Plant Varieties, Biological Diversity and Inventions relating to Information Technology. The Course reflects upon the Indian position regarding IPR in the background of developments in the field of International Law relating to IPR. The recent developments pertaining to IPR will also be undertaken in order to apprise the students. The PG Certificate Course in IPR consists of three papers.

PAPER I - Introduction to Intellectual Property Rights (IPRS), Copyright and Neighbouring Rights
PAPER II - Trademark and Geographical Indications
PAPER III - Parents, Layout - Designs of Integrated Circuits and Confidential Information
PAPER IV - Industrial Design, Plant Variety Protection, Traditional Knowledge and Biotechnological Inventions
Understanding environment is important for saving our planet earth and its healthful survival. The structure of the certificate course is aimed at imparting among students a detailed overview about the sources of International Environmental Law, major multilateral environmental agreements and protocols and the general principles of international environmental law to deal with issues of common concern (climate change, ozone layer depletion, biological diversity) to humankind. The last part of the course structure touches upon the legislations aimed at checking levels of pollution and protecting environment in India. The whole course is divided into three papers.

Paper l:
Evolution and Sources of International Environ-mental Law

Paper II
1. General Principles of International and National Environmental Law
2. The Role of International Organizations in the Evolution of International Environmental Law
3. Implementation of International Environmental Law Through the Financial Mechanism

Paper III
1. Human Rights Approach to International and National Environmental Law
2. Impact of International Environmental Law in India