ISIL conducts following
Post Graduate Diploma Courses:
International Law and
Human Rights, International
Humanitarian and Refugee Law.
International Trade and
Business Law.
Intellectual Property
Rights Law.
International Environmental Law.
Private International Law. 
. |
Society of International Law
V.K. Krishna Manon Bhawan
9, Bhagwan Dass Road
New Delhi-110001
Tel: +91-11-23384458/59
Email: info@isil-aca.org |
Course on International Law
The Indian Society of International Law (ISIL) was
founded in 1959 at the initiative of Shri V. K.
Krishna Menon and inaugurated the same year by Pandit
Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of independent
India, with the objective to “foster nation
wide, the study and development of International
Law and to encourage the comparative study of the
application of International Law in other States”.
The ISIL has been publishing the Indian Journal
of International Law since its inception, which
has attained a high standard and is held in high
esteem the world over. The ISIL has also a good
library, which is used by scholars from all over
India. The ISIL organizes annual conferences and
seminars on international issues of contemporary
interest. Finally, and equally important, it conducts
and promotes independent research on issues of International
Law. The teaching wing of the ISIL- the Indian Academy
of International Law & Diplomacy, runs post-graduate
diploma courses in various branches of international
The ISIL organises every year a Summer Course in
international law to bring to you the current developments
and their importance. The topics would include:
Public International Law, Private International
Law, International Institutions, International Trade
and Business Law, International Environmental Law,
Intellectual Property Rights, International Human
Rights Law, International Humanitarian Law, Refugee
Law and International Criminal Law with special
reference to International Criminal Court.
The Society will endeavour to make available the
best expertise available in the respective fields
as course instructors, which would include noted
academicians, governmental, non-governmental and
UN officials etc.
The course will comprise classroom lectures, discussion,
counseling and library consultation, from 11 a.m.
to 4 p.m. everyday except Saturday.
We hope you /your institution makes use of this
rare opportunity of attending the summer course. |
for registration form |
Law Conference
International Law Conference is an important triennial
event of the ISIL. It is organised to provide a
forum for in-depth discussion on the emerging trends
in various branches of international law among the
practitioners, teachers and scholars of international
law from different nationalities.
ISIL held its First International Conference
on “International Law in the New Millennium:
Problems and Challenges Ahead” in
New Delhi from 4 to 7 October 2001. The Conference
was inaugurated by the then President Shri K. R.
Narayanan and attended by nearly 350 participants,
including 25 foreign delegates such as H.E. Hisashi
Owada, currently Judge, International Court of Justice,
The Hague; Prof. Frits Kalshoven, International
Fact Finding Commission, & Mr. Jean-Philippe
Lavoyer, International Committee of the Red Cross;
Prof. Jon Van Dyke, Hawaii University Law School;
Dr. Edward Kwakwa, WIPO; Mr. Daniel McGraw, U.S.
Environmental Protection Office; Mr. Gilbert M.
Bankobeza, United Nations Environment Programme;
Dr. Abdul Haseeb Ansari & Mr. Haniff Ahamat,
International Islamic University, Kuala Lumpur;
and Penigram Kashmirahan bin Penigram Haji Mohammed
Tahir, Brunei Darusallam. In the conference nearly
80 scientific papers were presented. The proceedings
of the conference have been published..
ISIL held its Second International Law Conference
from 14 to 17 November 2004 in New Delhi.
About 550 delegates participated in this Conference,
including about 60 delegates from abroad, including
H.E. Philippe Kirsch, President, ICC; Mr. Hans van
Loon, Secretary General, Hague Conference on Private
International Law; Mr. Tjaco van den Hout, Secretary
General, Permanent Court of Arbitration, The Hague;
Dr. Olivier Ribbelink, Director, TMC Asser Institute,
The Hague; Dr. Edward Kwakwa, Legal Counsel, WIPO;
Prof. Ved. P. Nanda, University of Denver; Prof.
Sergio Marchisio, Secretary General, Italian Society
of International Law; Mr. James Carter, President,
American Society of International Law; Prof. Jean
Marc Thouvenin, Secretary General, French Society
of International Law; Dr. Kamal Hossain, Vice President,
International Law Association; Prof. Yoshiro Matsui,
Professor of International Law, Ritsumeikan University,
Kyoto, Japan; Prof. Ximena Fuentes, University of
Santiago, Chile, Prof. Antony Carty, University
of Westminster; Prof. Raj Bhala, University of Kansas;
Prof. Surya P. Subedi, University of Leeds; Prof.
Hans Koechler, International Progress Organization;
Prof. Sornarajah, Singapore University; Prof. Susan
L.Karamanian, George Washington University; Dr.
Alexander Betalov, Moscow University, Russian Federation;
Mr. Stephen York and Mr. Devashish Krishan, Vinson
& Elkins, London; Mr. Audley Sheppard, Clifford
Chance, London; Mr. Toby Landau, Barrister, Essex
Court Chambers, London and Ms. Shahnaz Malik, Simmons
& Simmons, London.
Shri K. Natwar Singh, then Minister of External
Affairs, Government of India inaugurated the Conference.
Hon’ble Vice President of India Shri Bhairon
Singh Shekhawat, delivered a special address during
the Conference. About 100 papers were presented
during the four-day conference touching as many
as 14 themes/areas of international law. Some of
the sessions were organized in collaboration with
UNESCO and ICRC. Third International
Conference on The Emerging Trends in International
Criminal Jurisprudence was organized by
the ISIL on 10-11 December 2005 at the Society’s
premises. Shri Shivaraj Patil, Home Minister of
India inaugurated the Conference on 10th December
2005. H.E. Philippe Kirsch, President, International
Criminal Court, The Hague, also addressed the session.
Shri Prithviraj Chavan, Minister of State, Prime
Minister’s Office, Government of India gave
a special address on 11th December 2005.
More than 250 delegates of whom 32 from abroad participated
in the Conference. Former Judge of the ICJ, President
and Chef-de-Cabinet of ICC, Commissioner for the
International Criminal Court, German Foreign Office,
Appeals Chamber Judge of Special Court of Sierra
Leone and Legal Advisors from International Committee
of the Red Cross participated in the Conference.
Fourth International Conference on
Private International Law was organised
by ISIL on 2 & 3 December 2006, at ISIL premises.
Shri Vyalar Ravi, Hon’ble Minister of Overseas
Indian Affairs, Government of India, inaugurated
the conference on 2 December 2006 at ISIL Auditorium.
Dr. Hans van Loon, Secretary – General, Hague
Conference on Private International Law, The Hague,
The Netherlands, Ms. dr Vesna Lazic, Senior Researcher,
TMC Asser Institute, The Hague, The Netherlands
and Smt. Girija Vyas, Chairperson, National Commission
for Women also addressed the session. Shri Ram Niwas
Mirdha, President, ISIL welcomed the guests and
the delegates and Prof. Rahmatullah Khan, Secretary
General, ISIL, proposed a vote of thanks. In the
evening a colourful cultural programme was performed
by the artistes of Sahitya Kala Parishad, New Delhi.
Nearly 300 delegates of whom 35 from abroad participated.
The delegates had come from various backgrounds
such as International Institutions, Government Ministries,
Universities, Law College, Government Ministries
and Non-Governmental Organisations. Dr. Hans Van
Loon, Secretary General, Hague Conference of Private
International Law, Prof. R. P. Anand, Lord Justice
Thorpe, Head of International Family Law for England
and Wales, Shri R. K. P. Shankar Dass, Senior Advocate,
Supreme Court of India, Mr. William Duncan, Deputy
Secretary General, Hague Conference of Private International
Law, Prof. Ved P. Nanda, Vice-Provost, Director,
International Legal Studies Programme, University
of Denver, USA, Mr. Narinder Singh, Joint Secretary,
Legal and Treaties Division, MEA, Government of
India, Dr. R. K. Dixit, Treasurer, ISIL, Mr. Ben
Reuben Angwe, Head of Department, University of
Jos, Nigeria chaired and co-chaired the sessions.
The presentations were made by the following delegates:
Prof. V. C. Govindaraj, Vice-President, ISIL, Dr.
Christophe Bernasconi, First Secretary, Hague Conference
on Private International Law, Prof. Mrs. Lakshmi
Jambholkar, Former Professor, University of Delhi,
Prof. B. C. Nirmal, BHU, Varanasi, Ms. dr Vsna Lazic,
Senior Researcher, TMC, Asser Institute, Shri A.
K. Ganguli, Senior Advocate, Supreme Court of India,
Mr. Adewole Adedeji Adisa, Obafemi Awolowo University,
Nigeria, Mr. Oylade Oluntunji Sunday, Faculty of
Law, Obafemi Awolowo University, Nigeria, Shri C.
Jayaraj, Advocate, Supreme Court of India and former
Secretary-General of ISIL, Ms. Jane Sleetwood, Member
of the Commonwealth, Australia, Mr. Thomas Olatunji
Sunday, Director, Mediation Centre, Ministry of
Justice, Oye State, Nigeria, Dr. J. C. Batra, Senior
Advocate, Supreme Court of India, Dr. Luther Rangreji,
Legal Officer, L&T Division, Ministry of External
Affairs, Government of India, Mr. Henery Setright
QC, Renaissance Chambers, Gray’s Inn, England,
Mr. Teertha Gupta, Renaissance Chambers, Gray’s
Inn, England, Ms. Anne Marie Hutichinson, O. B.
E., The Chair of International Bar Association,
UK, Shri Anil Malhotra, Advocate, Chandigarh High
Court, Shri Ranjit Malhotra, Advocate, Chandigarh
High Court and Smt. Versha Sharma, Reader, D. C.
College, Kanpur. Fifth International Conference
ISIL organized its Fifth International Conference
on “International Environmental Law”
on 8-9 December 2007. Themes
The following themes were discussed:
(I) General Principles of International Environmental
(II) Emerging International Environmental Regimes
and India’s National Policy,
(III) Environment and Sustainable Development, and
(IV) Enforcement of International and National Environmental
Law. Annual Conference
The Annual Conference is an important event in the
activities of the ISIL. It is usually held in the
month of March-April of every year. It attracts
participation from the academic and legal communities
from all over the country. It provides an opportunity
for international law teachers, international law
practitioners and people working in non-governmental
organizations (NGOs) to exchange views and acquaint
themselves with the latest developments of international
law. The objective behind this exercise is to widen
the perspectives of the participants to cope with
the ever-expanding horizons of the discipline.
Thus, over the years, the Annual Conference of the
ISIL has become a distinct platform for the Indian
international law community to discuss and deliberate
upon issues of international law. Increasing participation
of international law teachers, students, lawyers
and others in the Annual Conference from across
the country has made the ISIL a national venue for
international law discussion. Golden
Jubilee 37th Annual Conference of the Indian Society
International Law was organised on 29-30 March 2008
Krishna Menon Memorial Lecture
The ISIL organises, in the memory of its founder
President Late Shri V.K. Krishna Menon, an annual
V.K. Krishna Menon Memorial Lecture. The Ministry
of Human Resources Development of the Government
of India has provided financial assistance for this
purpose. Henry Dunant Memorial
Moot Court Competition Click here for:
Moot Court Rules
Moot Court Problem
The ISIL in collaboration with the International
Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) organises an
annual national level Moot Court Competition in
the memory of the founder of the ICRC - Henry
Dunant, at the month of October. A running trophy
will be awarded to the winning team. In addition,
a permanent trophy will be presented to winners
and runners-up team. The best advocate and the
best memorial prizes will also be awarded.
UGC Refresher Course in International
The ISIL organises a Refresher Course in International
Law for college and university teachers for three
weeks annually on behalf of the University Grants
Commission (UGC). The topics for refresher programme
are namely, Principles of Public International
Law, Private International Law, International
Institutions, International Trade and Business
Law, International Environmental Law, International
Human Rights Law and International Humanitarian
Law with special reference to International Criminal
Law. Experts of the eminence in the field of international
law delivered the lectures to the participants.
The course comprised of classroom lectures, discussions,
counselling and library consultation. This programme
has also become a regular activity of the ISIL.
A Refresher Course in International Law for college
and university teachers will be organized by the
ISIL from 8th- 27th September, on behalf of the
University Grants Commission (UGC). The topics
for refresher programme are namely, Principles
of Public International Law, Private International
Law, International Institutions, International
Trade and Business Law, International Environmental
Law, International Human Rights Law and International
Humanitarian Law with special reference to International
Criminal Law. Experts of the eminence in the field
of international law delivered the lectures to
the participants. The course comprised of classroom
lectures, discussions, counseling and library
consultation. This programme has also become a
regular activity of the ISIL.
Special Course for Indian Economic Service,
Indian Foreign Service and Indian Forest Probationers
The ISIL, in cooperation with the Ministry of
Environment and Forest, Government of India, conducting
special course on International and Indian Environmental
Law for Indian Forest Probationers to be held
on 6th - 10th August 2007. It also, conducts special
course on International Law for the Indian Foreign
Service Probationers and International Economic
Service Probationers. |
Workshops, Conferences, Panel Discussions and Special
The ISIL organizes on regular basis seminars, panel
discussions, workshops, National Conferences and
Special lectures on contemporary topics of international
The research team of Indian Society of International
Law conducts research works includes collection
of materials, collation, research, reporting, review
and formatting on various topics pertaining to International
Criminal Law, International Trade Law, International
Human Rights, International Environmental Law etc.
in regular basis. The ISIL has successfully undertaken
several projects allotted by the various Ministries
of the Government of India and other academic and
research institutions. The ISIL completed a prestigious
project allotted by the Ministry of External Affairs
on Issues relating to Private International Law
as affecting the non-resident Indians. Presently
ISIL undertakes a project allotted by the Ministry
of External Affairs on International Conventions
on Human Rights. |